How to Find Your Classes

Find Your Classes

We have created multiple resources in addition to the class schedule to help you quickly and easily find the class you need.

Search the Class Schedule

The class schedule is the primary reference for class listings. Using this tool, you can explore courses from all colleges within SDCCD, including Mesa, Miramar, and City. It also offers an extensive advanced search feature to help you pinpoint the exact course you need.

SDCCD Class Schedule

Search Open Classes

The "open courses" page shows only the available courses at Mesa. You can narrow down the list of open classes using the following filters:

  • Course Type (e.g., Online, In-person)
  • Time & Day
  • Subject
  • Prerequisites & Work-Based Learning.

Search Open Courses

Find My Professor

Need to find a professor's email or contact information to request an add code? Quickly look it up with this search tool.

NOTE: The data is limited to the current schedule of classes. If the professor is not teaching in the current semester they will not appear in the search results.

Find My Professor

Search All Courses

The "all courses" page displays every class available at Mesa, regardless of whether they are being offered in the current semester.

View All Courses at Mesa

Search by Program or ACP

Every program at Mesa provides a list of its courses. To identify courses linked to a particular program, you can either browse through a comprehensive list of all Mesa programs or view them organized by Academic and Career Pathway (ACP).

View All Programs at Mesa

View Academic & Career Pathways (ACPs) at Mesa