Work Study

Work Study


ALERT:  July 2024.  there is a spam email circulating around the country that appears to be a "Remote-Work" offer.   It is not a Work Study Offer, it is not from SD Mesa College Financial Aid Office.   It is a generic email from an unoffical email [ie; gmail] with a text attachment that is title FWS.txt or REMOTE.txt .  PLEASE DO NOT CLICK THE LINKS in the email or send any confidential or personally identifying information to the sourse.  It's a pfishing attempt to trick you into sending your personal info.    If you are interested in Work Study at mesa, scroll down through the instrctions on this page only.    -SD Mesa Financial Aid Office

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Federal Work Study (FWS) is a Financial Aid program that allows eligible students the opportunity to earn part of their Financial Aid by working.   By participating in our Federal Work Study program, you have the opportunity to boost your resume and get valuable work experience all while earning a paycheck.

 Work study awards can potentially range up to $7,000 per school semester [$14,000 per year] or more, depending on each student's individual potential eligibility and department needs.

Read on to explore program eligiblity, departments and positions that Mesa students have previously been assigned and how to submit a request for work study eligibility.

See If You Are Eligible


Federal Work Study [FWS] is a limited funding financial aid program. FWS eligibility will be determined on a priority. Be sure to answer YES to the Federal Work Study interest question on the FAFSA.  

Students must be in Good Standing based on the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress policies to be considered for FWS.   [NOTE: Students in a disqualified Financial Aid status will not be eligible for Federal Work Study.  For students interested in submitting a FA SAP Appeal, please see Appeal Workshops page.]

Eligibility is determined based on the following priority criteria:

  • SAI - Student Aid Index [formerly EFC Expected Family Contribution] as determined by the FAFSA app[lication process.  Students with 0000 to -1500 SAI have the highest priority. 
  • Demonstrated financial need as indicated by the information provided in your financial aid application (For priority consideration, your FAFSA must be filed no later than April 15th for any coming school year, for example:  April 15, 2024 for 24/25, etc.).  
    Learn more about applying for aid
  • Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, and/or eligible non-citizen.
  • Be enrolled a minimum half-time (6 units) within SDCCD with your main campus [COR] being SD Mesa.
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
  • Not be in default on a student loan or owe a grant repayment.
  • File Complete date [the day your Financial Aid application and all necessary supporting documents and file requirements are received by SD Mesa Financial Aid Office and posted complete]
  • Student request to apply for FWS.  All request received from eligible students will placed on a waitlist, in date order. 
    • NOTE: Returning eligible FWS students who are/were currently working the prior term have priority rehire. 
    • After Returning students are rehired, the waitlist will be used to contact interested students who have submitted a request. 

To see your Financial Aid status, log in to your student portal, and review your Financial Aid Status.  Generally the FA Office begins reviewing FWS eligible students mid-July, after your SAP is determined from prior year progress [middle to end of July] and aid awards begin to post [such as Pell Grant, FSEOG or Direct Loans]. 

If your Mesa FA file is complete and you are interested in FWS and would like to be considered for eligiblity, please submit a request to apply for FWS expressing interest to the FWS coordinator to be put on the FWS interest waiting list.  You will be notifed via email only if/when you are eligible.  Be sure to include your Name, Student ID # and Financial Aid Office Password. [Requests are reviewed in date and need order after the FA Office begins eligibility determination for the coming semester.  A detailed email will be sent to your SDCCD student email address only if/when you become eligible.]


UPDATE FALL 2024:  9/26/24-Invitations through september have all been emailed out to eligible students from their waiting list requests.  There will be no invitation sent in October.  If funds remain available, now application invitions will be sent out early November to students on the waiting list.  ~sd

Payments and Employment Duration

Payment Process:

SDCCD pays its hourly workers monthly [generally the 10th of the month following a month worked].

  • Timesheets are submitted directly to the Financial Aid office each month with hours worked signed and verified by the supervisor(s).
  • Payment checks are mailed or direct deposted by the 10th of the subsequent month. after verified hours are processed by HR Payroll.
  • Direct deposit is an option and is recommended.

Work Duration:

  • Federal Work Study (FWS) is usually awarded for the full academic year (9 months).
  • Half-time enrollment [6 units minimum] is mandatory throughout this period to remain in the FWS program.
  • The job concludes once the allocated financial aid amount is earned or the enrollment period ends.
  • Withdrawing from all classes terminates FWS eligibility.
  • FWS work hours should never interfere with student class times.  "In general, students are not permitted to work in FWS positions during scheduled class times. Exceptions are permitted if an individual class is cancelled, if the instructor has excused the student from attending for a particular day, and if the student is receiving credit for employment in an internship, externship, or community work-study experience. Any such exemptions must be documented." ... Federal Student Aid Handbook. V6- Chpt 2,  FWS Conditions & Limitations of Employment.
  • FWS jobs have regular job expectations, and students can be terminated if necessary.

Payment Rate:

  • Students are compensated no less than the prevailing minimum wage.
  • SDCCD Current FWS Hourly Rate:
        • $22.31/hr  [as of January 1, 2024
        • $16.30/hr [as of January 1, 2023]
  • FWS differs from other financial aid because students have a specific earning allocation.
  • Students submit a monthly timecard reflecting their worked hours to the Financial Aid Office.
  • Every month, students receive payment for the preceding month's work.

Find a Position and Get Started!

  1. If you are notified that you are eligible to apply for Federal Work Study, you will first need to visit the Financial Aid Office to receive an employment packet. This packet will include detailed directions for the hiring steps, a Live Scan Fingerprint scan, TB test, and employment forms which you will need to complete and return to the Work Study Coordinator.  Students who participated in the program the previous academic year will receive priority for rehire if eligible.
  2. Once you complete all of the hiring steps, you will meet with a Work Study Coordinator who will review your documents, complete I-9 verification and confirm your eligibility. The Work Study Coordinator will help match you with an available position that best suits your skills, experience, and intended course of study.  Community Service options may also have openings.
  3. Once a referral is made, you will meet with the area supervisor for an interview. If accepted, you will establish a work schedule including any training time needed.  PLEASE NOTE:  FWS work hours should never interfere with student class times [please see note above under 'Work Duration'.]
  4. A start date will be coordinated once your employment packet is complete, submitted to HR and a payroll record is established; after you have completed all hiring steps, been referred to a job, interviewed and been accepted.

Explore Work Study Positions

While not all of the following positions will be available every year, we encourage you to take a look at the kinds of Work Study opportunities that have been offered in the past and start thinking about where you might see yourself working. [scroll down for direct links to online applications for Federal Work Study student positions]

America Reads - Lafayette Elementary of Child Develpment Center Tutor II
Animal Health Technology  Student Aide
Anthropology Student Aide
Architecture Program [see INTERIOR DESIGN] Student Aide
Art Department & Gallery Student Aide
Athletics (various locations including Fitness Center) Student Aide
Biology (various sections) Student Aide
Black Studies (not currently available) Student Aide
Bookstore (not currently available) Student Aide
Business Services  Student Aide
Chemistry Student Aide
Chicano Studies Student Aide
Child Development Center Student Aide & Tutor II
Communications (not currently available) Student Aide
Culinary Arts Student Aide
Dental Assisting Program (not currently available) Student Aide
Drama Department (not currently available) Student Aide
DSPS (not currently available) Student Aide
English (various sections) Student Aide
EOPS Student Aide
Fashion Program Student Aide
Fine Art / LRC Student Aide
Honors Program (not currently available) Student Aide
Humanities, Arts & Languages Dean's Office Student Aide
Interior Design Program Student Aide
International Education / Study Abroad Student Aide
Languages Program Student Aide
Learning Resource Center/ School of LRAS/LOFT Student Aide
Library Student Aide
Math Department (not currently available) Reader / Grader
Microbiology Student Aide
Music Department (not currently available) Student Aide
Outreach Student Aide
Proyecto Exito (not currently available) Student Aide
Puente Program Student Aide
Reprographics, Mail & College Tech Services (not currently available) Student Aide
SEEDS Program (not currently available) Student Aide
STAR / TRIO Student Aide & Tutor
STEM Center Student Aide
Student Affairs Student Aide
Student Health Center (not currently available) Student Aide & Peer Counselor
the Stand / Basic Needs Student Aide
Student Success and Equity Student Aide
Transfer / Evaluations / Career Center(s) Student Aide
Tutoring & Computing Center MT2C Student Aide & Tutor
Work-Based Learning Student Aide/Admin

Direct links to SDCCD Employment Applications.


This is a list of direct links to online applications for Federal Work Study student positions.   If you are eligible to apply, you will be notified [based on the steps shown above ] of which application to submit.  Most FWS students will be initially place as Student Aide I



FWS – W1004 PEER COUNSELOR Discontinued

FWS – W1005 READER ASSISTANT Discontinued





Department Work Study Request 

To request a Work Study Position for your SD Mesa College on-site department:

  1. Download the Department Work Study Request form.
  2. Complete the form for a Work Study position in your on-campus department or program, referring to listed classifications.
  3. Print and get approval/signature from your Dean or Department Manager.
  4. Submit the signed form to the Mesa Financial Aid office's Work Study Coordinator.

Outside agencies with potential community service Work Study positions should contact the Financial Aid Office directly.  
