Mesa Integration Efforts / SEA
The California Community College Chancellor’s Office has been undergoing an effort to integrate the Basic Skills Initiative, Student Equity, and Student Success & Support Program. These programs were selected as part of the integrative efforts since they have similar goals of increasing student success while closing achievement gaps; in addition to the strong potential for overlap.
The Integrated Plan for 2017-2019 provides the college with the opportunity to assess previous program efforts, reflect on accomplishments, set goals, implement activities, and analyze results. In addition, it will allow San Diego Mesa College to focus on integrated student success goals that are outcomes based.
Integration is alive and well at Mesa College. In the spirit of collaboration, the integrated plan is being developed in consultation with faculty, staff, and administration through the Integration Workgroup, a subcommittee of Student Success and Equity Committee. The workgroup convened during the summer time to work on the integrated plan. This effort resulted in the development of the following five integrated goals:
- Support a strong start for students by expanding core services of assessment, orientation, and education planning services
- Provide intrusive intervention services to students
- Encourage persistence
- Support course completion of a transfer-level English or Mathematics course within a sequence of three or fewer courses
- Support education goal completion
Innovative Practice Funding Request
In our effort to integrate and align SSSP and Equity resources and support innovative student success and equity practices across the campus, SS&E has developed this online funding request application to assist with your request for funding.
Integration Timeline & Next Steps
Timeline and next steps for the integrated plan include the following:
- Integration leads will be presenting at school meetings this fall 2017.
- Draft of the plan will be shared with the Student Success and Equity Committee meeting in September 2017.
- The plan will be vetted with participatory groups and other committees in October 2017.
- The plan will be presented to the President’s Cabinet in November 2017.
- The final plan will be submitted to the district by the end of November 2017.
- The integrated plan will go through board approval on January 25, 2018.
- The integrated plan will be submitted to the state by the January 31, 2018 deadline.
- 2022-2025 Student Equity Plan Template
Integration Highlights
Integration Presentations
- SEA Presentation and Updates to President's Cabinet
- Integration Presentation to President's Cabinet - 3/19/2019
- Integration and Student Equity and Achievement Presentation to President's Cabinet - 11/06/2018
- 2017-2019 Integrated Plan: Basic Skills Initiative, Student Equity, and Student Success & Support Program Presentations
Classified Senate – 10/12/17
Academic Senate – 10/23/17
Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - 10/24/17
President's Cabinet - 11/7/17
Deans Council - 11/8/17
Spring 2018 Integrated Plan Update at President's Cabinet - 03/20/2018
Arts and Languages - TBD
Humanities - TBD
Business and Technology - 8/16/17 & 8/18/17
Math and Science - 8/16/17 & 8/18/17
Student Success & Support Program & Student Equity Joint School Meeting - 9/8/17&
Chairs Council Meeting - 9/13/17
Student Success & Equity Meeting - 9/15/17
Previous Plans
- 2018-2019 SEA Report
- 2016-2017 SSSP Credit Year End Report
- 2017-2019 Mid-Year Expenditure Report - Integrated Plan
- 2017-2019 Integrated Plan: Basic Skills Initiative, Student Equity, and Student Success and Support Program
- 2017-2018 Student Equity Executive Summary
- 2016-2017 Mid -Year Expenditure Report
- 2015-2016 SSSP Year-End Expenditures Report
- 2015-2016 SSSP Plan
- 2014-2015 SSSP Plan
Integration Meetings
- Integration Kick-Off Meeting Presentation - May 24, 2017
- June 16, 2017 Integration Workgroup Meeting
- July 14, 2017 Integration Workgroup Meeting and presentation
- August 4, 2017 Integration Leads Workgroup & Budget Meeting and Meeting Notes
- September 22, 2017 Integration Leads Meeting
- September 29, 2017 SSSP Presentation to SDICCCA Interns
- Budget Meeting with Business Services - October 4, 2017
Joint School Meetings
The Schools of Student Development and Student Success & Equity have regularly scheduled school meetings designed to support professional learning and development among all the departments that support these areas. These meetings provide an opportunity to engage in conversation about best practices, promote a culture of learning, while providing opportunities to engage in purposeful and meaningful ways.
Spring 2024 Dates
February 14, 2024 | Agenda |
April 10, 2024 | Agenda |
Integrated Planning Survey & Report
San Diego Mesa College has been working towards integrating Basic Skills Initiative (BSI), Student Equity (SE), and Student Success and Support Program (SSSP). In order to support Mesa in pursuing cohesive, integrated program strategies, your participation is requested by completing this survey and report.