Driving Directions San Diego Mesa College
Driving Directions

San Diego Mesa College is located at 7250 Mesa College Drive, approximately one and a quarter miles south of Balboa, between Convoy Street (becomes Linda Vista Road) and Genesee Avenue.

Bus Route Information

San Diego Mesa College Map

Driving on I-805 South

  1. Take I-805 South.
  2. Exit at the 805 Freeway at the BALBOA AVE EAST exit.
  3. Merge onto BALBOA AVE and cross over the 805freeway.
  4. Turn RIGHT onto CONVOY Street.
  5. CONVOY Street becomes LINDA VISTA Road after about 1 mile.
  7. Follow Mesa College Drive for approximately one half mile onto the campus and make the first LEFT. Proceed to metered parking across from the Administration Building.
  8. There is a large American Flag in front of the building.

Driving on I-805 North

  1. Exit at Mesa College Drive.
  2. At the top of the exit ramp turn left onto Mesa College Drive.
  3. Cross Linda Vista Road, and continue on Mesa College Drive for approximately one half a mile onto the campus and make the first LEFT.
  4. Follow Mesa College Drive to metered parking across from the Administration Building.
  5. There is a large American Flag in front of the building.

Driving on Freeway 163 South

  1. Exit at Genesse West and continue on Genesse West to Linda Vista Road Turn Right onto Linda Vista Road.
  2. Continue on Linda Vista Road for approximately 1 mile to Mesa College Drive.
  3. Turn LEFT onto MESA COLLEGE DR.
  4. Follow Mesa College Drive for approximately one half mile onto the campus and make the first LEFT.
  5. Proceed to metered parking across from the Administration Building.
  6. There is a large American Flag in front of the building.

Driving on Freeway 163 North

  1. Exit on Mesa College Drive.
  2. At the top of the freeway ramp turn Left onto Mesa College Drive.
  3. Turn LEFT onto MESA COLLEGE DR.
  4. Continue on Mesa College across Linda Vista Road. Approximately one half mile.
  5. Follow Mesa College Drive for approximately one half mile onto the campus and make the first LEFT.
  6. Proceed to metered parking across from the Administration Building.
  7. There is a large American Flag in front of the building.