Associated Students

Associated Students: Student Government in Action

The Associated Students (AS) is Mesa's team of elected and appointed student leaders who use their voices to advocate on behalf of students' rights and needs. With a mission to promote equity, accessibility, and social justice in our community, AS develops programs and events that improve students' experiences on and off campus.

 Mesa's 2024-2025 AS Student Leaders

Congratulations to our newly elected Mesa AS 2024-2025 Student Leaders!

Zora Williams

Mahro Hashimi

Joey Carreto

Senate Representative
Jade Bersamina

Angel Wilson


Alex Cruz Acevedo
Paul Bravo
Joshua Davidson
Ti'Arrah Bolden
Jazmin Sanchez

Sofia Finete
Ahva Mahdavi
Isabella Peterson
Aurelle Raviando
Jeremiah Palomino
Cornor Alexander

Other AS Positions

President's Cabinet (P-Cab)
Kevin Sebastian
Brianna Jepson 
Anneliese Russell
Antonina (Tonya) Trusova
George Gibson



Attend a Student Government Meeting

As a valued member of our Mesa community, we want to include you in our governance and decision-making processes. We invite you to take part in one of our AS and/or Inter-Club Council (I.C.C) meetings and get involved with student government at Mesa.

Attend an AS Meeting
Location: I4-409 A/B (Conference Room)
Meetings are now held in person
Wednesdays: 12:45-1:45pm
Attend an I.C.C Meeting
Location: I4-409 A/B (Conference Room)
(being held virtually until further notice - see contact below for Zoom info)
Fridays: 10:00am
Learn about Clubs & Organizations

Do you have a topic you want to discuss at an upcoming AS meeting?

To submit a topic to discuss in the upcoming AS meeting, email by 11:59pm Thursday.

Explore the AS Government Positions and Duties

Associated Students Executive Council

The AS Executive Council consists of 5 elected positions including the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Senate Representative, and Inter-Club Council Chair.
General Role
The Executive Council is responsible for executing AS business and affairs, ensuring that all legislation is upheld properly.

Associated Students Senate

The AS Senate is composed of 15 elected senators.
General Role
The role of the AS Senators is to advocate for students' needs and develop legislation that supports the student body.

To learn more about a particular AS position, the election process, and eligibility requirements, please view the following AS documents for an in-depth description of roles and responsibilities.

AS Documents

Become a Student Government Officer

Apply for an AS Officer position and contribute to the change happening on and around Mesa's campus. Help your fellow Mesa students feel safe, affirmed, and empowered throughout their college experience.

AS Applications for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 session have been closed at this time. 

Visit AS

Find us in: I4-409
Monday-Thursday 8:00am-6:00pm
Call: 619-388-2903
Instagram: @sdmesaas

Associated Students

Purchase & Register Your AS Sticker

Purchase Your AS Card Sticker

By choosing to purchase an $8 AS sticker, you will be helping support AS and the various campus services and activities they work with, including Mesa's Special Assistance programs, Intercultural Events, Homecoming, Clubs & Organizations, Scholarship programs, and more.

Associated Student Government

You will also receive several benefits along with your membership, including access to AS scholarships, a free transcript, and more.

How to purchase:

My Portal
  • College Student Dashboard
  • My Finances
  • Parking Permit/AS sticker

After purchasing your AS sticker, bring your SDCCD ID card and receipt (or screenshot of purchase) to I4-408 to receive your physical AS sticker. Then complete your AS sticker registration.

Register Your AS Sticker

Keep me updated on important A.S., Clubs, & Student Affairs activities.
