HSI Programs
HSI Programs
San Diego Mesa College is a designated HSI (Hispanic Serving Institution), meaning funding, in forms of grants, are provided to ensure services and resources are available to the Hispanic student population to promote academic success. Grants are awarded on an annual basis and programs can vary in range of services. Below is a list of current initiatives being implemented at San Diego Mesa College to better serve our Hispanic community and become the leading college of equity and excellence to empower the diverse student body to reach their educational goals and succeed in their future endeavors.
HSI presentation
- HSI-Equity-Professional Learnng Updates: President's Cabinet - November 17, 2020
- Latinx Heritage Month 2020: San Diego Mesa College - Una Institución al Servicio de la Comunidad Hispana (presented by HSI Grants Program Manager, Dr. Leticia López) - September 15, 2020
- WebinarEnEspañol PláticasParaÉxito - May 28, 2020
- Impact of HSI Funding/Support on Department-Level Program Reviews - 2019-2020
- Grant Updates - Spring 2019 / 2017-2018
- Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators (AHSIE) Conference Recap - 2019 / 2018 / 2017
[Student's Perspective]
Nelson Zaragoza, Instructional Assistant, Innovation Research Lab, YouTube Video, PiktoChart
Jazmin Núñez, Instructional Assistant, Innovation Research Lab, YouTube Video
2020 latinx heritage month at mesa
- Presentation recording
- 9/15/20: San Diego Mesa College - Una Institución al Servicio de la Comunidad Hispana
- 9/30/20: Latinas in STEM: Rompiendo Barreras
- 10/5/20: DEBER (Developing Effective Bilingual Educators with Resources): Changing the Face of Teacher Education
- 10/5/20: Pláticas Para Éxito – Webinar en Español
- 10/12/20: Latinx Business Owner Panel
- 10/13/20: UCSD Psychology Graduate Student Panel Meet n’Greet
- 10/14/20: UCSD Chemistry Graduate Student Panel Meet n’Greet
HSI Grants program outcomes
- HSI Infographics - Addressing the Gaps as an HSI: Fall 2014 - Fall 2018
[Tutoring / Peer Mentor Program]
- Virtual STEM Center: Fall 2020
Peer Mentoring Program Outcomes Report: Spring 2019
Peer Mentoring Program Feedback Survey: Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Spring 2019
Classroom Tutoring Student Demographics and Outcomes - Fall 2015 - Summer 2018
Mathletics Outcomes - Mathletics Dashboard 2018-2019 / Fall 2017
[Innovation Research Lab]
- Virtual Engineering Workshops Feedback Survey: Spring 2021
Virtual Mechatronics/Engineering Workshops Feedback Survey: Fall 2020
Innovation Research Lab (IRL) Usage & Outcomes Report: Fall 2018 - Spring 2019
[STEM Core Program]
- STEM Core Annual Outcomes Report: 2020/21
STEM Core Cohort Profile and Fall Outcomes Data Adhoc Report: 2020/21
STEM Core Mid-Term Feedback Survey Report: Fall 2020
STEM Core Three-Year Program Report: 2017/18 - 2019/20
Summer CRUISE Student Outcomes - CRUISE Dashboard 2017-2018 / 2016-2017 / 2015-2016
HSI publicity
Mesa Newsroom:
January 13, 2021: Mesa College Geoscience Faculty as Agents of Change with the SAGE 2YC Project
August 5, 2020: Mesa College’s Teacher Education Program Wins 2019-2020 Innovation of the Year Award
Other Sources:
Mesa College Annual Report 2019/2020 (Page 11: "A Proud Hispanic Serving Institution")
- 2019-2020: The League for Innovation in the Community College awarded San Diego Mesa College and Innovation Award for our Teacher Education Pathways Project (DEBER & STEM)
- October, 2019: KUAN Telemundo: $1.7 Millones en Beneficio de Estudiantes Hispanos