current team members

(updated Fall 2021)

Brian Mackus

STEM Instructional Support Supervisor
(619) 388-2257

Carole Thompson
STEM Outreach and
Student Support Coordinator
Catherine Cannock
STEM Center

Instructional Assistant
(619) 388-5660

Irena Stojimirovic
STEM Peer Mentor Coordinator
(619) 388-5885

Nancy Cortes
Research Analyst
(619) 388-2459

Patricia Rodriguez
STEM Counselor
(619) 388-2513

Pavel Consuegra
STEM Core Internship Coordinator
(619) 388-5072

program management

HSI Grants Acting Program Manager

Ikuko Nemoto McAnally
HSI Grants
Administrative Technician
(619) 388-5974, LRC-462

Gloria Gonzalez
Project Assistant
(619) 388-5034, LRC-463

Proyecto Exito
STEM Conexiones

Title III Grant
STEM Conexiones

en español 


STEM ConexionesThe U.S Department of Education awarded Mesa College a 5-year, $5 million HSI (Hispanic Serving Institution) Title III STEM Grant to fund “STEM Conexiones” (STEM Connections), and support Hispanic and low-income students. The grant aims to increase student connections in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) through enhanced counseling services, workshops, peer mentoring and outreach, faculty connections through cultural professional learning and STEM curriculum redesign, and pathway connections working directly with high schools and adult learners to prepare them for STEM majors. This grant will establish a STEM Center and a STEM Research Incubator for students, and furthers Mesa College’s commitment as a Hispanic Serving Institution.

STEM Conexiones Overview 

Logic Model

Grant Reporting Structure (2020-2021)


Through the institutionalization of programs and practices at San Diego Mesa College, we will increase the percentage of full-time, Hispanic, and low-income students that:

  • Seek a STEM degree
  • Complete a STEM degree
  • Transfer in a STEM major


  • Student Connections – Examples include: Development of a STEM Center and Research Incubator with a cultural focus; STEM faculty mentoring; Structured Learning Assistance
  • Faculty Connections – Examples include: Implement a comprehensive professional development program for STEM faculty that includes training in culturally-inclusive pedagogy, mentoring, and use of technology; Course and lab redesign opportunities; STEM Faculty Mentoring
  • Pathways – Examples include: Provide outreach regarding STEM education and STEM careers to students in K-12 with a focus on high school students; Provide undecided Mesa students with info on STEM programs and careers; Review existing articulation agreements; Develop smooth pathways for students transferring to four-year institutions

program outcomes


August 5, 2020: Mesa Newsroom:
Mesa College’s Teacher Education Program Wins 2019-2020 Innovation of the Year Award
The League for Innovation in the Community College awarded San Diego Mesa College and Innovation Award for our Teacher Education Pathways Project (DEBER & STEM)