
Our vision is to seamlessly integrate and advance institutional effectiveness practices in a holistic manner that supports the overall mission, vision, and goals of the College and contributes to student success. In support of this, we strive to cultivate a strong culture of inquiry that extends across campus constituencies.
Who We Are
The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness is to provide college-wide leadership and support for the infrastructure and integration of the College's institutional effectiveness efforts. We promote a commitment to excellence and continuous quality improvement through college-wide planning, research, program review, outcomes assessment, resource allocation, and accreditation.
What We Do
- This office reports to the President of the College and serves all constituencies of the College. We coordinate annual and long-term planning for the College.
- We support the Planning and institutional Effectiveness Committee (PIE), the Program Review Steering Committee (PRC), and the Committee on Outcomes and Assessment (COA)
- We provide management, support, and training for the program review process.
- We provide management, support, and training for the outcomes assessment process. We provide support and technical assistance to users of our Nuventive-based modules.
- We house the Institutional Research Team
Program Review
The purpose of Program Review is to facilitate the continuous improvement of teaching and learning at Mesa College as we strive to fulfill our Mission as an institution. Each institutional unit assesses the effectiveness, currency, and viability of their area with an intentional focus on equity and excellence.
Nuventive is Mesa's campuswide platform for Program Review & Outcomes Assessment. Authorized users can log into Nuventive using your District email and password.
The Mesa College Research Office conducts a variety of research activities in support of the college’s mission, strategic directions, and initiatives, and responds to ad hoc research and consultation requests from the campus community.
Data Dashboards
Outcomes Assessment
At Mesa College, faculty, staff, and administrators have a responsibility to our students to continuously improve the teaching and learning process based on our mission and values. Outcomes are developed and assessed in Instruction at the course and program levels, in Student Services at the area and program levels, and in Administration at the unit level.
Mesa 2030
The Mesa2030 Comprehensive Master plan is a high-level planning document that outlines our Educational and Facilities vision for the next 10 years. The plan was developed by a representative taskforce appointed by the Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Committee and was approved by the San Diego Community College District Board in May 2021.
Education Master Plan
- Education Master Plan 2013-2019
- Education Master Plan 2013-2019 Summary Brochure
- Educational Master Plan Strategic Directions 2014 FINAL
- Program Goals Mapped to College Goals 2014-2015
- Educational Master Plan Preliminary Findings Power Point 2014
- Educational Master Plan Executive Summary 2014
- Crosswalk between 2007 Goals with Proposed 2014 Strategic Directions
- Proposed Indicators/Metrics for Strategic Directions, Goals, and Objectives 2014