Campus-Community Emergency Response Team (C-CERT)
 Campus-community emergency response team


The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) concept was first developed and implemented by the City of Los Angeles Fire Department in 1985.  They recognized that some basic training in disaster survival and rescue skills would improve citizen's ability to survive until first responders arrive on site.  The CERT concept and program later expanded to two- and four-year colleges, and the Campus Community Emergency Response Teams (C-CERT) were established at colleges and universities.

 C-CERTified Employees

Since 2010, over 100 Mesa employees have participated in a comprehensive and intensive three-day C-CERT training that covered disaster preparedness, fire safety, light search and rescue, disaster medical operations, disaster psychology, terrorism and CERT organization. The broad range of trainees include academic and classified administrators, supervisors, adjunct and contract faculty and classified staff.

The hands-on training with Automated External Defibrillators (AED), fire extinguishers, cribbing, and medical triage took the training beyond textbook level and table exercises and into the face of reality.  The Mesa campus community can feel much safer with 88 fully-trained C-CERT members that are better prepared and ready to respond to disasters and emergencies.