
Associate in Arts for Transfer Degree 23–25* units
Associate of Arts Degree 21* units
Liberal Arts & Sciences-Spanish
Associate of Arts Degree 18* units
Spanish for Spanish Speakers
Associate of Arts Degree 20* units

* and courses to meet graduation requirements, general education and electives as needed to meet the minimum of 60 units required for the degree. View Requirements

Spanish Program

San Diego Mesa College’s Spanish program provides you with the opportunity to supplement your education with a thorough understanding of Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures. Whether you are already proficient in Spanish or taking a Spanish language course for the first time, Mesa has a class that will accommodate your unique level of ability and give you the skills to read, write, and speak the Spanish language. See how our Spanish courses’ emphasis on class participation and real-world communication increases your comfort and competence communicating with others and prepares you to use your skills beyond the classroom community. As you increase your fluency in the language, you will enhance your cultural literacy to connect with diverse people and appeal to current and prospective employers. Whether you are studying Spanish for transfer, for your professional development, or for your own personal enrichment, you will grow in your understanding of others and cultivate communication skills that can be applied across all areas of study and within any career field.

Ready to learn more about San Diego Mesa College’s Spanish Language courses and the benefits of Spanish Language study and Degrees? Here are some frequently asked questions:

This program belongs to the following Academic & Career Pathway:

Program Learning Outcomes



Demonstrate level-appropriate proficiency on the ACTFL scale in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing of the Spanish language.


Utilize Spanish language skills to complete a general program of lower division coursework, pursue language study at the transfer level, for personal enrichment, or for professional development.


Apply knowledge of and sensitivity to aspects of behavior, attitudes, and values of Spanish language-speaking countries to connect with the global community.
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