Veterans Services
Room: I4-102
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am-6:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am-1:00 pm
For general benefits questions, please refer to the Student Veterans Handbook, or call the Mesa College Veterans Office at (619) 388-2805 or email:
Social MediaTwitter: @sdmesavets
Instagram: @sdmesavets

VA forms
Student Services
Required Documents for VA Certification
Documents must be submitted to the Veterans Deparment in I4-102 or via secured email
Please note: All Documents submitted via email MUST be in a PDF Format (all other formats will be returned to student and not processed)
- Semester Worksheet
- Statement Understanding
- CH 33 & CH 31 Deferment Contract
- A Current Education Plan on File (waived if your first semester ONLY)
- Meet with an Academic Counselor
- Meet with an Academic Counselor
- Certificate of Eligibility (COE)
- Can be found by logging into your e-Benefits account
- DD-214 (Member-4 Copy, only needed first semester)
Important Informaton
- Reciept of ALL OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS is required by your second semester at Mesa College in order to have a comprehensive Ed Plan.
- This policy is federal law, and noncompliance may result in the delay of benefits
processing, inaccurate academic advisement, or student financial liability in the
event of VA auditing discrepancies.
Please submit all documents to Veterans Department in room I4-102 or via secured email
IMPORTANT--Submission to any other email may cause delays in the processing of your
Send PDF Documents directly to the Veteran Services email.
Required Document for Class Changes
- Class Adjustment Form (Add/Drop or Withdrawal from class Form)
Additional documents & Residency
- Primary School Letter (Parent Letter). Use this is you are concurrently taking classes at another school (does not include Miramar or City)
- Veteran Non-Resident form
- If your home of record is not CA, submit your DD214 and the Veteran non-resident form above
- If you home of record is CA, submit your DD214 and a CA Drivers License
- Email all documents, must be in PDF format here
Cal Vet Fee Waiver Information
Please note: this program is offered thru the local county veterans service office
at :
What is the Cal Vet Fee Waiver program?
- Cal Vet Fee Waiver Applications are sent directly to the California Veterans Service Office in your local county--please refer to the website above for a complete list of offices
- I have the California Vet Fee Waiver approval/award letter from the county, who do
I sent it to at Mesa College? Click the link below
Only for CAL VET Form