Using Your GI Bill
Chapter 35 - Dependents
Before applying for your VA benefits you should apply to the college. You can do so by going to http://www.sdmesa.edu/apply and follow the on-screen instructions
IMPORTANT Mesa requires that Veteran Students pay enrollment fees and tuition at time of registration. Students will be reimbursed once the Department of Veterans Affairs pays the college.
Before you can use your GI Bill Education Benefits you must apply for them at the
VA website.
Once you are approved you will receive a letter of Certification of Eligibility that you will need to submit to the Veterans Affairs Office at San Diego City/Mesa/Miramar College. The Department of Veterans Affairs will mail your your Certificate of Eligibility to you in 30 to 45 days.
Most Veterans are eligible for financial aid which may help save some of your GI Bill entitlement. Please go to www.fafsa.ed.gov to fill out the free application for financial aid. When you apply please be sure to use your College's Title IV school code.
Prior to processing your benefits, official transcripts from all previously attended colleges (including AP exam scores) and military transcripts (Joint Services Transcript, College of the Air Force, etc.) must be on file prior to the start of registration. Students who do not have all their transcripts submitted will not be certified for GI Bill benefits.
Submit transcripts to: San Diego Community College District 3375 Camino del Rio South, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92108-3883
Request Evaluation
Once all official transcripts have been received, contact the Counseling Office to complete a Request for Transcript Evaluation form. You will be notified by Evaluations by email once the evaluation is complete to schedule an appointment for a Student Education Plan.
Once you have completed steps 1-4, bring the following forms with you to the Veterans Affairs Office:
Mesa College Veterans Affairs Office: 619-388-2805 Room: l4-102
- DD-214 (member 2 or 4) to the Veterans Affairs Office and Admissions and Records
- Certificate of Eligibility or Notice of Basic Eligibility from the VA
- Certificate of Eligibility for GI Bill benefits from VA
- College VA Statement of Understanding form
Transfer Students
If you intend to have City/Mesa/Miramar College as your parent school, you will need to complete Form 22-1995 - Change of Training Place or Program form.
All new students are required to go through the Student Success and Support Program process prior to enrolling in college. This is mandatory in order to participate in priority registration. All three of these steps in order must be completed before registration begins.
Take on-line orientation:
Goto sdccd.blackboard.com
login using "studentvet" as your username and password.
If you are a first time to college student, schedule appointment for assessment by
contacting the college Assessment/Testing Office
Mesa College Testing Center
- Student Services Building
Second Floor, I4-201
P: 619-388-2718
F: 619-388-2525 - Monday - Thursday:
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm - testing@sdccd.edu
All veteran students must have a student education plan on file. A student education plan must be on file with the Veterans Service Office prior to certification of classes. Please contact Counseling at your college and mention that you are a Veteran Student to setup an appointment.
Mesa College Counseling
- Student Services Building
Second Floor, I4-303
P: 619-388-2672 - Monday - Thursday:
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm - mesavacounselor@sdccd.edu
Veteran Students are afforded priority registration on the first day. It's important that you have your DD-214 submitted to the Veterans Service Office as soon as possible.
Students register for classes online through mySDCCD
Veteran students must pay up-front tuition and other related fees after registering
for classes. Once the DVA has sent payment, the college will reimburse you the remaining
Be sure to verify your enrollment with W.A.V.E. at the end of each month at www.gibill.va.gov/wave or by calling them at 1-877-823-2378
Once you have registered and paid for classes be sure to complete and submit a semester worksheet. This must be approved by a counselor prior to certification.
Create your eBenefits account with the VA to help apply for Veterans Benefits Online, access VA Payment History, check Compensation & Pension and more!
eBenefitsIf you make any registration changes (add a course, drop a course, switch sections)
please notify the Veterans Affairs Office immediately.
Failure to do so may result in charges or fees owed to the VA. Please contact
the Veterans Certifying Official if you have any questions.
For additional benefit details visit the Mesa Veterans Office