College Initiatives

International education committee
The Mesa College International Education Committee works toward achieving the following goals through participatory governance:
- To promote AWARENESS through discussion of the cultural components and celebrations present in our society. Main campus activities - International Education Week and promotion of the Global Competency Certificate in collaboration with the Honors Program
- To enable the campus community to foster ANALYSIS and discussion of world languages, cultures, and societies. Main campus activity – Guest speaker series
- To provide opportunities for INTERACTIONS or forums for “interrelations”. Main campus activities - Inter-institutional and inter-departmental collaborative learning projects
- To advance UNDERSTANDING of the cultural diversity, knowledge of global issues, and the interconnectedness of cultures and nations through time. Main campus activities - faculty Flex activities, curriculum development, campus forums and presentations, and foreign language conferences
- Help faculty and students EXCHANGE and actively participate in a global society by providing opportunities for cultural immersion experiences. Main campus activities – Promote study abroad programs, service-learning internships, and local /international partnerships
Mission Statement
San Diego Mesa College International Education Committee promotes equitable access to resources for global education by connecting diverse students to the campus and the community at large.
We value inclusive opportunities to empower and transform the educational experience outside the classroom.
We are committed to developing international perspectives in our institution. We strive to inspire and inform students
to prepare them with the necessary skills for effective engagement with local and
global communities to become culturally competent citizens.
Action Statement
Our study abroad programs, international curriculum development, and international education week promote student’s global awareness and a deep understanding of human diversity.
Action Items
i.) Connect students with International Organizations and Nonprofits, scholarships and expertise during International Education Week.
ii.) Facilitate campus wide cross disciplinary collaborations with support for internationalizing curriculum.
iii.) Create a network of support for students, faculty and staff with financial resources and advising.
- iv) Promote language learning and cultural competency.
- v) Engage students in self discovery and self-awareness as global citizens through Study Abroad programming and campus exchanges.
Study Abroad Programs
The Mesa College Global Awareness Committee reviews applications from faculty who wish to lead pilot study abroad programs. Currently, there is a 1.06 FTEF set aside for two language instructors (two 5.0 units classes) and two non-language instructors (two 3.0 unit classes) to lead groups abroad. For more information, visit our Study Abroad website and click on "Faculty Forms," or speak with any faculty liaison on this committee for more information.
Join the study abroad conversation in social media:
International Education Vendor fair
If you are a vendor or non-profit and would like to participate in the International Education Week Vendor Fair at Mesa College, please submit the Vendor Application form found HERE .