Instructional Services
Enrollment Management
The enrollment management committee was established on september 14, 2023. click here for details on this participatory governance group.
Create a student-centered schedule that is predictable, responsive, efficient, and supports student success, completion, and equity outcomes
Strategic Enrollment Management Plan
Committee Meeting Schedule and Agendas:
Spring 2024 (Second Friday 10:00 - 11:30 am, LRC 435, except for first kickoff meeting)
Feb. 2, 2024 Kickoff Meeting 11:00 am -1:00 pm BT101
Mar. 8, 2024
Apr. 12, 2024
May 10, 2024
Fall 2023 (First Friday 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, LRC 435)
Committee Meeting Minutes:
Feb. 2, 2023:
Enrollment Management Workshop Presentation at Fall 2023 Convocation - 8/17/2023
Evening Olympians Program - Fall 2023
Fall 2022 - SPRING 2023: TAskforce and Enrollment Management Plan development
Enrollment Management Workshop Presentation at Spring 2023 Convocation - 1/26/2023
Pictured, left to right, Linda Hensley, Ailene Crakes, Pearl Ly, Donna Budzynski,
Jill Moreno-Ikari, Isabel O'Connor
Click here to access the presentation.
Enrollment management Town Hall Save the Date!!
By May 2023, the Enrollment Management Work Group will develop a collaborative, innovative, and student-centered Strategic Enrollment Plan for San Diego Mesa College
Mesa 2030 Connection
- Increased campus understanding, communication of, and transparency in budget and resource allocation (SO5)
- Increase student access and schedule efficiency by coordinating schedules among departments/disciplines (SO3)
- Assess impact of prerequisites and co-requisites on student success and revise curriculum, as needed (SO3)
- Education
- Schedule Practice Review
- Schedule Tools
- Equity and Student Success
- Partnerships and Innovation
- Environmental Scan
- Marketing, Communication, Outreach
Subgroups Lead Responsibilities
- Education - Provide a broader understanding of enrollment management concepts and shared language across the college to foster broad understanding of enrollment management need and objectives.
- Scheduling Practice Review - Complete a review of our scheduling practices for the purpose of creating a more student-centered schedule that maximizes FTES and productivity. This will include exploring accounting methods, block schedules, GE patterns, modalities and other aspects of scheduling.
- Scheduling Tools - Develop predictive tools that allow departments to forecast enrollment trends, FTES, and assist with schedule builds.
- Equity and Student Success - Focus on curriculum, degree and certificate completion with a focus on disproportionally impacted groups, increasing OER and ZTC, and enhancing Student Support Services.
- Partnerships and Innovation - Focus on in-demand curriculum and programs, Continuing Education non-credit to credit pathways, partnerships with transfer institutions, and ideas from sectors outside of higher education with pedagogical excellence.
- Environmental Scan - Review and analyze data on student demographics and our surrounding community, trends in the labor market and the local economy, policies and laws, and how these factors may impact programs and schedules.
- Marketing, Communication, Outreach - Review and revise marketing strategies related to enrollment management, in-reach and outreach communication strategies to different student populations.